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Great Stuff Happening in Kids Ministry!

A few months ago we announced that Jaime Redcay was joining our team as the Kids Ministry Director. Jaime is doing a fantastic job, and we are excited to see what God is up to among our kids!

Below are just a couple of highlights about some new things that are happening in Kids Ministry:


We can’t wait to kickoff kid’s worship this Sunday, October 4th! We plan to gather together with the 4 year old through 7th grade classes for a time of worship, led by Elina Sergeyev at the start of our kid’s ministry time. Our kids will be equipped in worship and praise, and learn some great songs!

Opportunity for Kids to Give

There is an exciting opportunity for our children to give: Each Sunday in October and November we will be receiving an offering during the kids ministry time to bless the refugee families from the Middle East. We plan to send the money we gather to Samaritans Purse and bless their current efforts in caring for the many families in need.

Thanks to Jaime and her amazing team of teachers and helpers for their investment in the lives of our children! For more information about Kids Ministry, or to find out how to get involved, email Jaime at jjredcay@gmail.com.

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Threshold Church exists to love and worship God and to advance His Kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit. Come Join us on Sundays at 5 PM